
عرض المشاركات من 2021
Elements that float along your screen are pretty cool and attention grabbing. They are more commonly known as the “Sticky” floating widgets that stick to your screen as you scroll and tend to have a higher click through rate. This is the reason why at MyBloggerLab, we are using a Floating subscription widget in the sidebar that has been quite useful for us. Many of our users kept on emailing us about how they can create a “Sticky” floating sidebar widget in Blogger. In the past, we have already shown you  how to make a Sticky Floating Footer bar in Blogger . In this article, we will show you how to create a floating “sticky” Sidebar widget in Blogger? Remember:  This works pretty well with all kinds of widgets present in your sidebar. It is not necessary that a person can only use if for email subscription boxes. You can use it for promotion of your items, galleries,  popular posts ,  Instagram photos , and basically everything that you wish for.  Step#1: Adding...